Waterlogic - Looking after the environment with R600a eco-friendly refrigerant – August 31 2017

Being environmentally friendly is a key concern for all businesses. With carbon footprint, ozone depletion and the effects of global warming high on the agenda for businesses and governments alike, it is important that we take opportunities to minimise the impact on our environment.
Waterlogic has taken the proactive step of introducing R600a refrigerant gas as an environmentally friendly alternative to R134a in its water coolers. The change to the naturally occurring R600a (Care® 10) gas brings benefits such as: low global warming potential (GWP) and zero ozone depletion (ODP) both of which mean no negative effect on the environment.
There is also a technological advantage to using R600a refrigerant, which is its excellent thermodynamic (cooling) performance which has the benefit of improving the energy efficiency of the water cooler.
Waterlogic has selected R600a as a suitable replacement for R134a because of its environmental, technological advantages and also because it is fully compliant with EU Regulation No. 517/2014 which aims to reduce environmental damage by restricting the use of fluorinated greenhouse gases.
The move by Waterlogic to R600a comes 2 years ahead of the EU import ban on R134a devices which will be enforced by 2020.
Media Contact:
Daniel Woodall, Waterlogic Group +44 (0)1628 397777, daniel.woodall@waterlogic.com
About Waterlogic
Waterlogic is an innovative designer, manufacturer, distributor and operator of mains attached POU drinking water purification and dispensing systems designed for environments such as: offices, factories, hospitals, hotels, schools, restaurants and other workplaces. Founded in 1992, Waterlogic was one of the first companies to introduce POU systems to customers, worldwide and has been in the forefront of the POU market, promoting product design and quality, the application of new technologies and world class sales and service. Waterlogic has its own subsidiaries in many markets and an extensive and expanding independent global distribution network in place, reaching over 50 countries around the world.